
EdgeIQ Edge Rules can trigger a variety of rule actions when processing incoming device reports. Some of these rule actions can be used "out of the box" (e.g., HTTP POST, TCP socket write, etc.), but some rule actions require integration to an external service. In some cases, these external integrations require customers to create accounts and provide API keys or similar configuration details. These integrations can be managed from the Settings section of EdgeIQ.

Device IoT Integrations

A mirrored device/thing will be created in the 3rd party IoT platform for the associated device.


Within your AWS account, create an AWS Cross Account Role. You can use this AWS Cloud Formation Template to do so (see the AWS Cross Account Access Tutorial for more details). After creating the AWS cross account IAM role, create a new AWS IoT Integration with the Role ARN, External ID, and region.

Example AWS IoT Integration parameter details:

  "name":"My AWS Account",
  "long_description":"Account ID: 814871544477",

Microsoft Azure IoT

Within your Microsoft Azure account, generate a 'Shared Access Policy' with the permissions: 'Registry Read', 'Registry Write','Service Connect', and 'Device Connect.' This can be done by navigating to your IoT Hub Resource -> 'Shared access policies' -> '+Add.' After generating the policy, create a new Microsoft Azure Integration with the Shared access policy's name and key (primary) along with your IoT Hub's hostname that can be found under 'Overview.'

Example Azure IoT Integration parameter details:

  "name":"My Azure Account",
  "long_description":"Account ID: 19283012389",

IBM Bluemix IoT

Within your IBM Bluemix account, generate an API Key with the 'Backend Trusted Application' role. This can be done by navigating to your IBM Bluemix IoT Dashboard -> 'Apps' -> 'Generate API Key.' After generating an App Key, create a new IBM Bluemix Integration with the API Key and Auth Token along with your Bluemix account's Organization ID.

Example Bluemix IoT Integration parameter details:

  "name":"My Bluemix Account",
  "long_description":"Account ID: 583882984",

Rule Action Integrations

E-Mail - Postmark

EdgeIQ also supports sending emails via the Postmark SaaS platform. To send emails via Postmark, you must create a Postmark customer account, goto your Account page and generate an Account API Token.

To configure Postmark integration, all of the following must be provided:

  • Name — a unique name for the integration (e.g., AcmePostmark).
  • Type — Select "E-Mail: Postmark"
  • Description — free form description of the integration.
  • Token — The Server API token from the account "Credentials" tab.

Example Postmark Integration parameter details:

  "name":"My Postmark Account",
  "long_description":"Server name: my_postmark_servername",

E-Mail - SMTP

You can use a custom SMTP server to send mail entering your server (address:port), username, and password credentials.

To configure your SMTP integration, all of the following must be provided:

  • Name — a unique name for the integration (e.g., AcmeSMTP).
  • Type — Select "E-Mail: SMTP"
  • Description — free form description of the integration.
  • Server:Port — The Host/IP and port (e.g.,
  • Username — The username for the account from which emails will be sent.
  • Password — The password for the account from which emails will be sent.

Example SMTP Integration parameter details:

  "name":"My SMTP Server",
  "long_description":"Sendgrid SMTP",

SMS - Twilio

EdgeIQ can deliver SMS messages via the Twilio messaging platform. To send SMS messages, you must create a Twilio account, goto your Twilio Account -> Account Settings page then under 'API Credentials', enter your Account's SID and Auth Token.

To configure your SMS Twilio integration, all of the following must be provided:

  • Name — a unique name for the integration (e.g., AcmeTwilio).
  • Type — Select "SMS: Twilio"
  • Description — free form description of the integration.
  • SID — The "Account SID" string from the "Account Summary" section of the account dashboard.
  • Token — The "Auth Token" string from the "Account Summary" section of the account dashboard.

Example Twilio Integration parameter details:

  "name":"My Twilio Account",