Account Administration
Your initial EdgeIQ account will be set up for you by someone on the customer success team. At that point, you can continue to add users, customer accounts, and manage permissions of everyone using the system.
EdgeIQ accounts consist of Company Accounts, and Users. Managing permission to the various features of the system is done using User Types.
Your Company Account
All instances of resources within the system must belong to a company, including users, devices, software updates, and so on. Your company account will also control the branding and visibility of different navigation features and widgets on the EdgeIQ Portal.
You may need nothing more than the portal branding and visibility and so forth mentioned above. Or, you may wish to add and manage your customer's accounts in the system, including having specific portal branding and visibility for them. You can accomplish this by adding companies via the API or portal. These companies act as sub-accounts for which you can manage users, devices, and so forth, and everything will be scoped to that company. Companies can be added to these companies in turn, in a hierarchical fashion, to describe any kind of relationship you need between your company and your customers.
All users, devices, and data produced by devices are always visible up the hierarchy, but not to sibling companies. So, given this hierarchy:
Company A
| |
+ +
Company B Company C
Devices and data, for instance, from devices in Company C will be visible to users in Company A. Users in Company B will not be able to see them, however, and vice versa. For more information, see the Companies API documentation.
Users are how individual access to the API and portal is managed. Users have usernames, use passwords to log into the portal, and have API tokens to use the API. For more information, see the Users API documentation.
User Accounts
Users are associated with Company Accounts in a few ways.
Parent Account
Every user has an associated company_id
. This company account is the account that manages the user.
Other Accounts
Every user also has a list of other accounts, referenced in company_ids
. This is the list of company accounts that the user may manage. The user may, for instance, view and edit data from those accounts.
Note: there is a special meaning given to the first id in the list of company_ids
. This company's branding
data will be used for visual styling and configuration when the user logs in to the portal.
User Types, or Roles
User types are used to assign user permission to perform the available functions in the system. They function like roles. There are a predefined set of user types, which are easy to assign to new users through the portal, or list and choose from using the API. For more information, see the User Types API documentation.
Updated almost 4 years ago